
About Me

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Hey! Welcome to The Lilly Pad! I post about random house things like decorating projects, crafts, and stuff. Also, I'll try to let you know where to find things that I write about at different price points. I very obviously have no training (as if I needed to mention that) and I take really crummy pictures, but I'm always on the hunt for deals and good stuff to put in my house.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pillow Winner

And the winner is Catherine

Your green trellis pillow will be on its way this week!!

Everyone else, thanks for the comments!  I'll give another pillow away again soon!

By the way, the way I picked the winner was to assign a number to all of the comments in the order in which they appeared.  I counted comments on both the blog and Facebook (blog first and then fb) in chronological order.  The more you commented, the luckier you were :). I then put the number of comments (31 total) in the random number generator that I found online and 31 was the number chosen.

I wanted everyone to win, by the way!

True Random Number Generator  31Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Have a great Monday, y'all!!

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