
About Me

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Hey! Welcome to The Lilly Pad! I post about random house things like decorating projects, crafts, and stuff. Also, I'll try to let you know where to find things that I write about at different price points. I very obviously have no training (as if I needed to mention that) and I take really crummy pictures, but I'm always on the hunt for deals and good stuff to put in my house.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Target (pronounced tar-jay)

I'm not sure if any of you have been to Target lately, but I went the other day and found some cute stuff.  That Sabrina Soto really knows what she's doing (said in the same way that Reese's friend Lurlynn says "That Gloria Vanderbilt really knows what she's doing" in the bar scene in Sweet Home Alabama...I think that's how it goes, but I'm probably way off :)

Anyway, Target has some cute stuff in right now.  I always love when they have stuff that doesn't look like Target stuff (obviously, no offense).

I ended up taking home two chevron lamp shades the other day.  I love them and have been moving them all over my house, but I think they're going to live in the bedroom.

They were $20 each if you're thinking about getting your own pair.

I also thought these things were pretty cute.  They're all from Sabrina Soto's collection at Target :)

The table is super cute and would look great painted bright pink or green or orange...or you could just leave it the color it is.

So what do you think?? Let me know if you find anything else there that you like or of you decide you need some chevron shades, too.

Happy Friday, y'all!  I hope everyone has a GREAT WEEKEND! 


  1. Cute lamp shades Nellie!
    Loved catching up last night!

  2. Jennifer, it was so good to see you, too! I wish I could see all of you girls more often!
