
About Me

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Hey! Welcome to The Lilly Pad! I post about random house things like decorating projects, crafts, and stuff. Also, I'll try to let you know where to find things that I write about at different price points. I very obviously have no training (as if I needed to mention that) and I take really crummy pictures, but I'm always on the hunt for deals and good stuff to put in my house.

Friday, January 27, 2012

And The Winner Is

Well, I've decided that there are no losers here :)  In the interest of honesty, I have to tell you that the pink and white suzani-esque fabric was the fan favorite, but I've decided not to use it...kind of.  It makes absolutely no difference to me which fabric I use, so I'll just let the winner winner chicken dinner decide!

So, now comes the fun part...  If you want to get a cute throw pillow, comment here or facebook if that's easier for you.  I will use a random number generator to pick the winner (by the way, I looked those up the other day and it blows my little mind how they choose nyumbers using complicated algorithms and stuff (that's a technical mathematics term)...weird, I though it was just like pulling a number out of a hat).

I will choose a winner Saturday at 5 so I can make it on Sunday.

Bonne Chance!

Hahaha!  I saw this the other day & think it's pretty damn funny :)  Happy Friday!!