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Hey! Welcome to The Lilly Pad! I post about random house things like decorating projects, crafts, and stuff. Also, I'll try to let you know where to find things that I write about at different price points. I very obviously have no training (as if I needed to mention that) and I take really crummy pictures, but I'm always on the hunt for deals and good stuff to put in my house.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Make a Plate

Happy Tuesday, everyone!  I hope you are all getting ready and excited for Christmas.  Our week is so crazy, but I'm more excited about Christmas than I have been in years.  It's not that I've been a scrooge in years past (except when I was a terrible, terrible teenager), but it's been so much fun to do Christmas stuff with Lilly this year.  She still hasn't really gotten the concept, but she does know that Santa says, "Ho, Ho, Ho!"  She's also learned a couple of Christmas songs and she'll love to open presents.

Anyway, thinking about my babies got me thinking about birth plates (is that a term??) that I've made.  I made one for Lilly when she was born, but poor Gaines has yet to get his.  Those poor, poor second babies :)

I've also painted plate and cup sets for shower and Christening gifts.  I think they're really cute (it's all relative, right), but of course I've never taken a picture of them before I've given them away.  Maybe the recipient of one of these gifts will send me a picture :)

Here is the birthday plate that I painted.  The concept was for the birthday girl or boy to use it for cake, but of course I forgot about it at Lilly's birthday party (story of my life...if I don't write it down, it never existed.  I might as well staple notes to my shirt...seriously).

Here are some other random things that I've painted.

I had grand visions of Jeff using this for weekend coffee, but it's literally never been used to drink out of.  It collects small stuff in my closet :) 

Here is an actual, non-cleaned view of where they sit in my kitchen.  As you can see, I have a spot for Gaines' plate, just no plate.  This is pretty much my daily kitchen reality :)

I've always just done these at paint your own pottery places.  It's a little time consuming, but that's part of the allure for me.  It's kind of like a date with myself:).  Anyway, it's a relatively inexpensive way to make a personal gift for someone.  Also, you just have to show up and paint and they clean up after you!

Do any of you ever do the paint your own pottery thing?  It's probably a little dorky, but I resigned myself to the fact that I'm not cool a long, long time ago :)

Have an awesome rest of your day!!  Let me know if you've got a fun idea you want to share or you think other people might like to try.

1 comment:

  1. I've been wanting to take Riley to one of these paint places forever! Maybe I will do it over the holidays. I love Lily's birth plate :) She was a big baby!

