This summer, I had Lilly's room painted pink. Very, very pink. Like Lilly Pulitzer pink. Even though I thought I had done my due diligence and painted a pretty big swatch on the wall, the color turned out to be way pinker than I had anticipated. Not bad, just PINK.
When Jeff saw it, he told me that all of the other little girls that see the room are going to be jealous because they're also going to want a pink room like Lilly's, but all of their mothers are going to say, "no way in H-E-double hockey sticks" (because they have more sense than I do). I took that as a back handed compliment on my color choice :) Also, given the fact that this was the first room that I had gotten professionally painted, the color was staying.
A few weeks ago, I decided to go big or go home with Lilly's room. You can only get away with crazy colors and fabrics for so long and what little girl doesn't want a super pink room (hopefully mine still does when she gets old enough to have an opinion about such in 6 months from now because, like I said, the color is staying).
Anyway, in the spirit of over-the-topness, I decided to paint bold, pink stripes on top of the bold, pink wall.
First, I measured 10 inch stripes and taped the wall with the green painter's tape (worked so much better than the blue kind) and then went to town painting. It took me a couple of days to finish because I really only do this kind of stuff during naptime, which is also the only time I have to clean, check email, eat get the point.
I love how it turned out, so I may end up with stripes all over my house.
Also, the room still has a long way to go, but I'll keep working on it and blogging about it as I go.
I LOVE it!!