I love art. I probably love art more than the average gal, but I (obviously) don't have tons of money to spend on pieces. So, I have a myriad of different types of art adorning my walls. I have artwork that ranges from a painting that I got at the Hospice flea market for 25 cents to an original Renoir print that I got as a wedding gift from a very special art collector friend. Needless to say, my artwork is all over the place.
My rule of thumb when it comes to art is to hang it if you love it, which is really just my general rule of thumb for decorating. Who really cares about what's popular or what's out of style. If you love something, embrace it. Your house should be a reflection of things you love and who cares what other people think :)
I love original pieces of art and I'm not scared to draw something to put on my walls (even though my sister has reminded me more than a couple of times that she doesn't LOVE my artwork...in other words, I'm no good). I actually even framed a watercolor that I painted in Ms. Hess' 8th grade expanded art class.
I'm from an artistic family, but I didn't totally get the gene, if you know what I mean. My aunt Kathy was an amazing artist that I'll write more about later. My aunt Sissy was pretty good, too, and my dad isn't half bad when it comes to intricate pencil drawings. He has drawn sketches of both of my houses and is currently working on airplane drawings for Gaines' room. As an aside that nobody really cares about, both my aunt and my dad won gold key awards many, many years ago :)
So, without further ado, here are some pictures of things that I have on my walls. There's really no rhyme or reason to where art goes in my house. Does anyone else like to pick up random artwork that they find or draw things for their rooms are are you mostly bought art kind of people?

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