
About Me

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Hey! Welcome to The Lilly Pad! I post about random house things like decorating projects, crafts, and stuff. Also, I'll try to let you know where to find things that I write about at different price points. I very obviously have no training (as if I needed to mention that) and I take really crummy pictures, but I'm always on the hunt for deals and good stuff to put in my house.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Colors, Colors Everywhere

So, I've been thinking a lot about color lately.  It's kind of weird, but I think about color A LOT.  When it comes to my house, I often have a really tough time with color...especially paint.  I know what I want, but I have a hard time making my vision come to fruition with color.  No kidding, I have completely painted my kitchen twice in the year that I've lived in my house and I currently have new colors painted on the wall as I type.  The crazy thing is, the colors are all so similar, but I just haven't been able to get it just right yet.  Hopefully the third time will be the charm.  My husband thinks I'm crazy as shizz, but when it's not right, it's just not right.

Is anyone else as color conscious as I am when it comes to their walls?

Anyway, in the spirit of thinking about color, I have decided to show off some of my favorite colors this week.  I wanted to start with coral because I think that it might very well be my favorite.  I would actually love a coral front door, but my husband couldn't disagree more :)

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